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Chris & Khai & Fitri We're talking about... VIDEO GAMES! Yes, that's right. The video games that eases our worries and tensions. This will be for our English project for 2010. There are 3 members in the group namely : Chris, Khai and Fitri. Each and every one of us will work together to post 2 entries on Saturdays each week. That's all for now and thank you for reading.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010


Cover of the game
Source : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ab/Silent2002.jpg

Silent Hill 4 : The Room is the fourth installment for the Silent Hill series. This game is different as the protagonist of the story only stays in his apartment and at the same time, is not in Silent Hill. The previous installments sets the story with their protagonists in the town of Silent Hill. This game is released for the Playstation 2, Microsoft Xbox and for PC.


As said above, Silent Hill 4 is very different compared to the previous installments. Instead of running around and fending off monsters non-stop, Silent Hill 4 provides a much more unique gameplay. The players will only be able to fight monsters in the 'Other World' after passing through the 'strange' hole in the toilet of the apartment where the protagonist lives.

Players take control of protagonist, Henry Townshend, When in his apartment, the game has the first person view but in the Other World, the game changes view to third person view. In this world, Henry can fend off the monsters with various weapons such as the golf club, wine bottle, handgun, pipe etc. Also, new monsters will be featured in this game including ghosts. The ghosts cannot be killed by physical hits or gunshots. The ghosts will always arise after being beaten up on the floor. As players progress through the game, they will be able to have an ally, who also happens to be Henry's neighbor in the apartment, named Eileen.

A picture of Henry and Eileen fending off a monster.
source : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/14/Sh4cvfight.jpg


Henry Townshend lives in an aprtment in South Ashfield. He is in his late twenties. Unfortunately, Henry was locked in his own apartment and is not able to get out. His door to exit his aprtment room is locked and there were chains locking the door. Henry only found a piece of note telling him to stay in his apartment.

As he searches through his apartment, he fins a strange hole in his toilet. He was able to fit through and it brought him to another world. First he was in the Subway World and he met another person. She was Cynthia. Together, the tried to find a way out. But along the journey, Cynthia was separated from Henry and when Henry was able to find a way out, he discovers that Cynthia is murdered by an unknown killer.

Later, Henry wakes up and thought everything was a dream. To his horror, he found out the door was still locked and there was chains on the door. He also heard from the radio that a woman named Cythia was killed in a Subway. He soon realized that this was no dream and it was all real.

When he enters his toilet, the strange hole is still there except that the size of the hole is enlarged. This time, he was brought into another world. It was the Orphanage and another person was met. He speaks gibberish. Again, the person with Henry is murdered. This went on for the next few worlds he visited. The killer is a man named Walter Sullivan. The thing is..... He is long dead but he came back to life.

He then meets his neighbor, Eileen during his journey. Together, they tried to find a way to end this nightmare and tried to stop Walter Sullivan. Little did Henry know that Walter has bigger plans and Eileen will be one of the last victims. Henry is the only hope to prevent Eileen from being killed.

Play Silent Hill 4 : The Room. It is guaranteed to give you nightmares or fear in real life. There are 4 endings for this game. The endings are determined by how you play and how you protect Eileen. Enjoy the game.

Rating for the game:

Chris: 5/5
Khai: 4/5

Opinions for the game:

Chris: Silent Hill 4 : The Room is the most interesting and scariest installment so far. The monsters and graphics are enhancd. The gameplay is so much more unique. The tension and fear of this game just keeps getting higher and higher. However, I am a bit disappointed with the fact that the 'Nurse', a human zombie that will always attack you physically, is removed from the game. Overall, a great game and is suggested to BRAVE PLAYERS ONLY and those who loves all the Silent Hill previous installments and the series.

Silent Hill 4: The Room is an interesting sequel that attempts to branch out in several areas of gameplay and setting while remaining true to the psychological thriller-style that's always set the Silent Hill series apart from more action-oriented scares. While not all of the changes made necessarily serve to enhance the series, the dark, gripping storytelling is what allows this game its Silent Hill credentials. If you're an existing horror fan or a Silent Hill fan, Silent Hill 4: The Room is certainly worth looking at

Fitri: I don't have much to comment on this game. It is just too scary for me to play. I played the game for a few hours and didn't play it properly as it just creeps me out every single minute. I suggest it to brave players only.

Games Reviewed @ 8:16 PM