About This Blog
Chris & Khai & Fitri We're talking about... VIDEO GAMES! Yes, that's right. The video games that eases our worries and tensions. This will be for our English project for 2010. There are 3 members in the group namely : Chris, Khai and Fitri. Each and every one of us will work together to post 2 entries on Saturdays each week. That's all for now and thank you for reading.

Loves Y
playing games

Hates O
being disturbed when playing games

playing games all day long

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Hey, so in this blog, Chris, Fitri and I are going to talk about games we played and what we think about it. Although this is just for our english project, I'm hoping we can still keep posting even after the end of the project.


Games Reviewed @ 9:48 PM