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Chris & Khai & Fitri We're talking about... VIDEO GAMES! Yes, that's right. The video games that eases our worries and tensions. This will be for our English project for 2010. There are 3 members in the group namely : Chris, Khai and Fitri. Each and every one of us will work together to post 2 entries on Saturdays each week. That's all for now and thank you for reading.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010


Cover of the game. The main protagonist of the game, Alyssa Hamilton.
source : http://pt.compra-vende.eu/upload/photo_div/371_ps2_clock_tower_3.jpg

Clock Tower 3 is a survival horror game developed by Sunsoft and published by Capcom. It is very different compared to the first two Clock Tower games. Instead of having the 'point and click' system of playing, Clock Tower 3 features a different system. Players do not use the 'point and click' system. Players will use the normal way of playing. But the panic system is still featured in the game. It is also the fourth installment of the Clock Tower series. Clock Tower 3 does not have multiple endings as well. It has only ONE ending.


Game play is simple. As mentioned earlier, the 'point and click' system is no longer featured in the game. Instead of always escaping and trying to hide to prevent from being killed, a new feature has been introduced into the game. Players are able to sprinkle Holy Water to the pursuer to slow them down and provide time for escape. It is not infinite. It must be refilled everytime it is finished either from a jar or from a fountain with a lion's head that has water flowing from its mouth. There will also be hiding spots and some offense objects that can be used to halt the pursuer. The offense objects may cause the pursuer to faint or stop for a while only.

There will be pursuers that will always try and kill you. If your panic meter reaches its maximum, you will not be able to control Alyssa's movement but only control the direction of where she is running to. If you are confronted when in Panic Mode, it's good-bye. GAME OVER. Using Lavender Water will help you escape this situation. The Invisibility Band makes you invisible temporarily to escape from the pursuers while the Sigil Stone will help you by taking a hit during panic mode and prevents you from dying but it will break.

There will be ghosts and vengeful spirits that will try and harm players. By giving Sentimental Items to the corpse of the spirits, it will calm them down and let them ascend to Heaven. They will give you informations or useful items in return.

At some points of the game, players will have to fight the pursuers or 'Boss'. In this situation, the bottle will turn into a bow. Players will be able to fire energy arrows. Holding down the 'Triangle' button for a few seconds shoots a slow arrow that has not much damage. Holding it for a while will shoot a charged arrow with decent damage. Holding the button for at least 10 seconds will fire the strongly charged arrows that will hit and transfix the pursuer in one spot. If the pursuer is transfixed with too many of these arrows, then a Super Attack will be performed.


Alyssa Hamilton is a 14-year-old student that lives in the boarding school. She has a mother and a grandfather, who went missing for a few years. Everything was normal until she receives a strange letter from her own mother, Nancy. In the letter, Nancy told Alyssa to hide until her 15th birthday is over. She said it was to escape from something bad. She was worried and when the her name was announced on the P.A system that there was a phone call from her mother, she rushed to the telephone only to find out, nobody was talking.

Worried, she rushed back home, a boarding house, and looked for Nancy. As she entered, she called out for her mother a few times but there was no response. Suddenly, the doors to her left opened and a rather big sized man appeared before her. He was the Dark Gentleman. When Alyssa asks him whether he was one of the lodgers, he replied saying that he is one of the lodgers. But there was still something odd about him. He told Alyssa about Nancy and warned her about dangers which seemed to be brought by him.

Although scared, Alyssa continues to search for her mother. AS she explores the house, she saw strange symbols on a door. This made her unable to open it. Then, the fire at the fireplace disappeared and the wall in the fireplace crumbled. She crawled through the hole and check what was inside. There was a statue of an Angel. But then, blood flow from the statue's eyes and its head fell off leaving behind a bottle and a letter from Nancy. The bottle contains Holy Water. The Holy Water enables her to open the doors with strange symbols simply by sprinkling some of the water.

As she searched her mother's room, a piano started playing. There was no piano in the house and this made Alyssa panic. All of a sudden, she was warped back through time. When she walked out the door, she finds herself in England during World War 2. She continues to search and eventually ends up at a tailor shop. She then witnessed the murder of a young pianist, May Norton. May was murdered by Sledgehammer, a serial killer who wields a sledgehammer. Alyssa then escapes from Sledgehammer and finds a way to help May. After putting pieces of information together, Alyssa was successful in finding a way to help May. Alyssa needs to give the pocket watch,belonging to May's father, to her.

As Alyssa reached the Concert Hall, she was ambushed by Sledgehammer and she then fought him with her bow, the Holy bottle turned into a bow. She killed Sledgehammer and was able to free May. May then ascends to Heaven with her father, thanking Alyssa for her help.

When Alyssa returns home, she learns about the Rooders and Entities and Subordinates. Alyssa is a Rooder, young woman that has the ability to communicate with the dead. They will have to fight against the Subordinates, people that are infected by the Entities that drives them into crazed murderers. She also obtains help from her old friend, Dennis. Alyssa will have to face other subordinates as well such as Corroder, Scissorman and Scissorwoman and Chopper.

What will be the fate of Alyssa and her mother? Play this game to find out more!

Rating for the game:

Chris: 3/5
Khai : 4/5
Fitri : 4/5

Opinions for the game:

Chris : The graphic of the game is dated but the storyline and gameplay is good. It is scary at some points of the game and the pursuer just come at you with a very LOUD noise that makes your heart jump. The character you use in clumsy and timid adding more panic feeling to the game. I suggest this game to brave players only or those who loves horror surviving game.

Khai : It is mostly a welcome change of pace from the typical survival horror formula. It's kinda interesting to play a game in this genre where your character can't fight back. The powerless feeling as you flee from a pursuer adds more scariness to the game and it also have excellent production values and interesting storyline. I would recommend it to brave players only.

Fitri : This game is old but despite its poor graphic, it still provides a scary and heart-pounding moments. It would be better if the main character can use some kicks or punches instead of just sprinkling holy water to slow the enemies down. Overall, a great game. It would be much more scarier for players if they play it on the year it was release. Recommended to brave players only!

Games Reviewed @ 11:17 PM