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Chris & Khai & Fitri We're talking about... VIDEO GAMES! Yes, that's right. The video games that eases our worries and tensions. This will be for our English project for 2010. There are 3 members in the group namely : Chris, Khai and Fitri. Each and every one of us will work together to post 2 entries on Saturdays each week. That's all for now and thank you for reading.

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Friday, April 30, 2010


What is Talisman Online?

Talisman Online is a free MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.) Some people might go, "It's free? Must be crap then!" - WRONG! Not all free MMOs are crap. This game does have a pay option too, but the creators are fair to everyone. The only thing you can buy with real money is something called T-Points. With T-Points you can buy special items, which you can later sell in game for high prices, or keep to use. That's all though. There are no limitations on where people can go. There are no "Members-Only Zones."


The residents of Talisman Online lived on a peaceful continent. However, evil grew. Master Blood began to destroy everything, only to make him stronger. The continent quickly became Hell. Master Tian Meng stepped in with four other accomplices to defeat this evil. Master Blood was defeated and sealed into an ice cube. Master Tian Meng wanted to prevent evil from rising again, so Master Tian Meng, along with the accomplices, taught people (the 5 Juntas) the ways of fighting. 500 years later though, the ice cube has disappeared, and the continent is flowing with evil again. Now it is up to you, and the friends you make along the journey to defeat these growing evils.

-(Full Story Here)-

Professions & Talismans

As said in the story, Master Tian Meng, along with the accomplices, taught people the ways of fighting. Now it is time to learn what exactly you can be in Talisman Online. There are two types of Talismans. Weapon and Assistant. What the creators have done, is instead of having a bunch of weapons, like a Level 7 Weapon, and a Level 8 Weapon, they give you a Weapon Talisman, which can be enhanced as you level, making them stronger. Assistant Talismans can be enhanced too. How do you enhance? By spending energy. How do you get energy? By killing enemies and doing quests.

Now about the five juntas:

-level 60 Fairy, Wizard, Monk, Assassin, Fairy-

Wizards are probably the most well-balanced profession there is. However, each profession has strength and a weakness. Wizards are very strong, but they have to cast magic, and their casts can be interrupted when someone or something attacks them. If people are smart enough though, they can learn combos along the way to where their enemies can't even attack them. Why? Wizards are long-distance fighters. They don't have to be in close-range combat, nor should they be, with all the spells they have. A really good thing about Wizards is that they have the best AOE (Area of Effect) in the game, which is given at Level 30. If you choose to use Water weapons, then at Level 30 again, you have two powerful AOE spells, and if used right, can easily kill 3 or more enemies at one time without them attacking you.

Wizards use the weapons, Swords and Blades. Swords give them the power of Fire, and Blades give them the power of Water. As for Assistant Talismans, they have Ice Shield which can increase their defense and slow down their enemy, Longbrow Needle which can increase a target's intelligence and make a monster faint, Tao Symbol which has the powerful AOE spell and increase Fire/Water damage, and Warm Jade which is useless, it decreases a monster's enemy value and can wake people and things from faint.

-beginner wizard-

-high leveled wizard-

Monks are hard to control in my opinion, others might disagree. These are the tankers for the game. They have the power to interrupt enemy attacks, however if they're being attacked from far away, then they're screwed for a little bit until they reach their enemy, because they have few long-distance attacks. I tried my luck with a Monk, and did not understand it. I can't really say much about them, except when used in teams, they are very helpful because they can take all the damage.

Monks use the weapons, Shovels and Staffs. Shovels give them the power of Buddha, and Staffs give them the power of Fire. As for Assistant Talismans, they have Diamond Sutra which has an AOE spell and can absorb damage, Heart Lotus which can slow down enemies and increase Buddha/Fire damage, Treasure Loop which increases health and release from a frozen status, and Buddha Bone which increases enemy value and forces enemies to attack you.

-beginner monk-

-high leveled monk-

Assassins are the strongest, but the weakest in defense. If you become an Assassin, you'll level up really quick, but you'll be sh unned. What do I mean by that? Simple. When the time comes to do team quests and places, because Assassins are weakest in defense, they're basically going to be obsolete, because they'll be dying the fastest. Even though they are the strongest, when it comes down to Elite Bosses, they're bad. Playing as Assassins first is recommended for beginners, just to get the feel of the game.

Assassins use the weapons, Simitars and Daggers. Simitars give them the power of Lightning, and Daggers give them the power of Poison. As for Assistant Talismans, they have Hasty Shoes which increases speed and dodge rate, Theurgy Bell which freezes an enemy and increases defense, Array Flag which decreases enemy value and increases magic defense, and Dragon Roc which has an AOE and recover from slow. (Some people might notice they use Simitars but it’s supposed to be Scimitars)

-beginner assassin-

-high leveled assassin-


Possibly the best profession in the game. Fairies have the power to cure people, and themselves. Which makes them the best. You can be fighting a boss, and be dying, and heal. Or better yet, they have a skill which they can use to attack their enemy, drain their HP, and transfer it to their own HP. However, like Wizards, they have to cast magic, which can be interrupted. Another downside is people are always going to go up to you if you're a Fairy and say "Buff", "Buff", "Buff". What is Buff? Buff is where a Fairy increases a target's HP. Don't be confused, it increases, not heal. Meaning, if your HP was 880, they can increase it to about 960 maybe. Depending what level their Buff-Skill is.

Fairies use the weapons, Pearls and Wheels. Pearls give them the power of Buddha, and Wheels give them the power of Lightning. As for Assistant Talismans, they have Treasure Leaf which heals and revives a target, Wonder Needle which gives the spell that leeches an enemy's HP and increases a target's HP (Also cures Poison), Purple Cloud which causes damage to an enemy and does the same for an enemy's pet, and Purple Cowry which causes damage to an enemy and absorbs damage (Also gives a % rate to auto-revive after death)

-beginner fairy-

-high leveled fairy-


Tamers rock. It's interesting that the two best professions, (Fairy and Tamer), are both female. I'm not being sexist, I just find that interesting. Tamers are the best at soloing anything, because Tamers have the ability to catch a monster and make it their pet. With their pet they can attack enemies, and use a skill in which the enemies MUST attack their pet, even if the Tamer is attacking back. And of course, Tamers can heal their pet during battle. Pets make them good, but can slow them down as well. Let's say you're a Level 20 Tamer with a Level 5 Pet. You'll suck. End of discussion.

Tamers use the weapons, Bows and Crossbows. Bows give them the power of Water, and Crossbows give them the power of Poison. As for Assistant Talismans, they have Pet Bell which heals/revives a pet and increase the pet's enemy value, Jade Vessel which increases damage and slows a target (Also decreases an enemy's attack), Nature Booklet which increase a pet's physical defense and attack (Also recovers from slow), and Trap Meshwork which sets Fire and Ice traps on the ground and damages the enemy.

-beginner tamer-

-high leveled tamer-


Now to take a short time to talk about Quests. Quest types are fairly simple. Some quests you have to kill a certain amount of something. Some quests you have to kill a Boss. Some quests you have to get an item drop from an enemy, which can get annoying because let's say you have to get 10 of something, it might take you 30 kills to get all 10. While other quests you just have to deliver a something to someone. Quests are unique because the monsters will be different and drop different things, but you'll realize that they can be repetitive.

More Features

  • Over 15 Different Areas to Explore - They're not small areas either.
  • A Guild System - So you don't have to play the game alone. Remember, TEAMWORK to Victory.
  • A War Game - Every week there is something called the "Blood Palace War", mostly used by Guilds, you and your team must defeat the evil bosses that emerge, and of course other players.
  • Scenarios - Special areas of which players are usually in teams, or if they're high-leveled enough to solo, fight Elite Monsters and Bosses. Elite Monsters and Bosses are more difficult than regular ones because they'll have higher HP, defense, strength, etc.
  • Mounts/Pets - That's right! You can mount things! Currently, you can mount Tigers, Bears, and Horses. Tigers are the most common, because Bears and Horses you have to buy with T-Points, or for very high Gold prices. Also, there are Pets. Yes, Tamers have Pets, but these Pets don't attack, they can increase your HP, your Mana, or they can auto-pick up items from dead monsters so you don't have to, etc.
  • Friendly Community - Most of the community in the game is friendly, however a majority of people that play don't speak English. This might be a tad problem to some.

For more information, you can go to the link : www.talismanonline.com
Here are some screenshots of Talisman Online:

Top : All of the juntas including the female version of wizard
2nd : Players and guilds during weekly city war (every weekends)
3rd : Assassin attacking Ore Giant
Bottom : High leveled players with their upgraded transport animals and armors

Rating of the game :
Khai : 4/5
Chris : 4/5
Fitri : 4/5

Opinions :
Khai : The game can be very fun if you make it fun. Some people find enjoyment out of killing everything that moves, while others play in teams and quest together. I myself play the game to kill time when I'm bored and also as a stress reliever. Sometimes after school, for no reason at all, I'll get very moody which would make me want to punch someone or the walls but I don't want to hurt someone or make holes in my wall. So my enjoyment comes in from killing these ugly floating heads called "Vampire Ghosts".

The game runs smoothly depending on your computer. Most games that I play are very slow for me because I have a laptop. However, this game is an exception and runs extremely well, I barely ever lag in it. The only time I lag is when going to Stone City because that's where a lot of people are located.

Once someone gets to a high level, they might get bored. However, they can easily create another character of another profession and find the game more fun. That's what happened to me, I got bored with playing as an Assassin, so I tried Wizard and loved it. Then get bored with that, and I'm now a Fairy. I don't think I will get bored with a Fairy seeing as how it took me less than 10 hours to get to Level 20. That's just how good Fairies are.

The game is fun, the people are friendly, you can make friends in this game, and it's worth a play. The game does have flaws though. I think the creators don't speak English well, because there are some parts in the text of the game that don't really make all that much sense. You can figure out what they mean, but words can be moved around. Another flaw is in some skills, like a Fairy's Buff, it'll say it lasts 10 seconds for some reason, yet it lasts 20 or 30 minutes. Big difference.

Other than that, the game is still fun and people should try it. If you’re interested in the game, see the Official Site URL, read the game guide to learn more about it, and if you’re still interested at that point, download it. Also, if you do decide to play and need help with anything, then PM me, I’ll be glad to help out.

Chris : This game is actually quite fun. The graphic is good enough for the game. I've only played it once or twice but overall, a good game. I suggest it to those who loves online games that allows you to play with your friends. It's fun to hang out in the internet every once in a while.

Fitri : The game is quite interesting, I've seen my friend play it. The magics and skills are very eye catching. You can make some friends from different countries. Playing with some friends might make things much better.

Games Reviewed @ 7:51 AM