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Chris & Khai & Fitri We're talking about... VIDEO GAMES! Yes, that's right. The video games that eases our worries and tensions. This will be for our English project for 2010. There are 3 members in the group namely : Chris, Khai and Fitri. Each and every one of us will work together to post 2 entries on Saturdays each week. That's all for now and thank you for reading.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010


Cover of the game. Heroes at the top and the Cosmos on the left. Villains at the bottom and Chaos on the right.
Source : www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=17049&op=4&o=global&view=global&subj=39927546142&id=100000856726929

“What will you fight for?” - Tagline
Gameplay : Final Fantasy Dissidia is another game developed by Square Enix for the Playstation Portable. It is also an addition to the Final Fantasy Series. The game reunites players with the 20 characters, 10 heroes and 10 villains, from Final Fantasy installments. The game is unique compared to the previous installments. Players are able to fight in a 3-D environment. Apart, from that, it is the first Final Fantasy game that allows player to fight and attack by clicking the attack button and does not have to wait for his/her turn to fight.

Dissidia also allows characters to move around as they please. The players are able to interact with their surroundings, for example: running up the walls, grinding etc. For the player to win the game, he/she must attack their opponent to gain Braver Points. Every time they land a successful hit, they will obtain Bravery Points and the opponent’s Bravery Point decreases. Should the player obtain Bravery Points that exceeds the opponents’ HP, he/she will have the chance to win. The player should just press the HP attack button but the opponent will be able to dodge it as well.

There will be 10 scenarios for the game. Each one is about how the Heroes obtain their crystal. The heroes are trying to save the world from destruction and chaos.


A conflict between two gods has been going on for eternity. Chaos, the god of discord, and Cosmos, the goddess of harmony, are fighting one another. Should one of these gods fall, they would be brought back to battle again by the emissary of the gods, Shinryu. Although that happens, the war between the two gods never ended and none of them emerged victorious.

In the recent battle, Chaos and his warriors (Villains from the previous installments of the final fantasy series) managed to beat Cosmos and her warriors (Heroes from the previous installments of the final fantasy series). The battle made each character separated from one another. Most of them were with another hero but only Squall Leonheart and Warrior of Light were alone.

Having thought there was no more hope to win the battle, Cosmos appeared in front of every character and told them to find their crystal. The crystal is the only hope to save the world from chaos. Upon listening to Cosmos’ words, the 10 heroes ventured to find their crystals which were in their enemies’ hand. After obtaining the crystals, the heroes find Chaos and decided to put an end to the eternal conflict.


Players are also able to unlock the bonus characters. The bonus characters are Shantotto and Gabranth from Final Fantasy 11 and Final Fantasy 12 respectively. Players must finish the 10 scenarios to unlock the bonus scenarios and complete them to unlock these two characters.

Shantotto, character from Final Fantasy 11.
Source: www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30480188&op=5&o=global&view=global&subj=39927546142&id=1502123154

Gabranth from Final Fantasy 12.
Source: www.facebook.com/notifications.php#!/photo.php?pid=30480184&op=5&o=global&view=global&subj=39927546142&id=1502123154

Rating for the game: Chris: 5/5
Khai: 4/5
Fitri: 4/5

Chris’ opinion: A very interesting game and its storyline is fantastic. Much more unique than its previous installments.

Khai’s opinion: Very full of actions and amazingly fun!

Fitri’s opinion:It is very fun and the story is great.

Games Reviewed @ 10:09 PM